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Contacts & Reach Us

Interested in contacting someone at Alumat? Here, you'll find a summary of different methods to get in touch with us. We eagerly anticipate the possibility of exploring market opportunities together with you.


3rd industrial Zone 6th OF OCTOBER, Giza Governorate


How can we help you?

We recognize the significance of approaching each task comprehensively and have faith in the effectiveness of straightforward and uncomplicated communication.

Who we are?

Alumat is a pioneering industrial company dedicated to forging a sustainable future in the realm of aluminum. Our mission is to enhance the viability of societies by transforming aluminum into innovative and efficient products and solutions.

Our Products

We have been in the aluminum industry for over 20 years, offering a wide range of aluminum products. Our expertise and capabilities are unmatched.

Our Services

With our extensive selection of aluminum products and solutions, we provide a range of services. As your dedicated industrial aluminum collaborator, we strive to ensure that you attain optimal outcomes.

Aluminum Ingot

We obtain primary aluminum intended for remelting on the international market, offering a diverse supply of primary aluminum in different forms and qualities across the globe.

About Aluminum

Aluminum is intriguing, adaptable, and exceptionally versatile. Explore the key points of aluminum's evolution, starting from its extraction from bauxite, through the manufacturing process, utilization, and eventual recycling.



